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The mouse make the fist move, and clicking release the ball, have fun.

music is made by azoora, you can find their album on jamendo.com

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A lot better than my pong clone... that much is certain. I hope you get back to making games soon!

I like it and I think it has potential. The art style was really cool and the music worked really well with it. Also the squiggle text added to the ambiance..

The ball moves a little too slow.
The transition between taking the coffee speed and the effects wearing off didn't feel natural..
There were times when I was able to pull the ball with my hand and somehow throw it underneath the hand. Other points where the ball would bounce a perfect horizontal line for a long time.
I think an element of time and score would be nice as well. Also stating which level I am might be nice.

The game felt very slow so I wanted to comment on the narration and the visuals and how they could work better together but I didn't get very far in the game ( level 4 i think) before I got annoyed of the pacing. Speed it up a little more so the progression feels natural.

I think the bland colorless feeling is kinda creepy... in a good way that is! keep it up! It is a nice remix to brick breaker!

It was alright game, not too bad. Not too good either. I like the coffee part, it makes the game not so boring anymore? ( If you get what I mean ) It adds a nice twist. But you should add some color to the game; it's plain and dull. The music is okay at first but it gets repetitive. But it's okay. Nice try though.

Aryles responds:

Thanks, for the review. I'm taking note of everything that has been said for the next game.

this game is crated with the backsides

Aryles responds:

I'm not sure what you mean, but thanks for the review.

Credits & Info

3.40 / 5.00

Mar 19, 2013
4:38 PM EDT