Actually, truthfully, I think these shorts have massive potential. You've got some fantastic costuming, a lovely perspective, and beautiful camera work. I think you should keep going. :D
lonely man in alleyway sequel mark gets mad and eats wife
Actually, truthfully, I think these shorts have massive potential. You've got some fantastic costuming, a lovely perspective, and beautiful camera work. I think you should keep going. :D
It was horrible. That's all I have to say. Choppy framerate, unsmooth movements, and heck, I don't even know what the storyline was!
Try filming at 24 fps and take your time with the movements in each frame. Also, try adding a better storyline.
Everyone loves some action figure stuff... But nobody was killed 0.o
I know this is another experimental piece, but I don't think you developed the visuals well enough. The scream as he approaches is good, but there isn't any eating of the wife. Sort of like, I don't know, messing with people's expectations. It's like how they marketed "Hudson Hawk" and inadvertently pissed off all the critics who went to see it.
Well anyway, it's messed up. But not THAT messed up. Not like previous entries. This one looks like it was just practice more than anything. Doubly goofy when he's literally climbing up the stairs because he's just a doll. That's just dumb. But it kind of cracked a smile on my face anyway.
Yeah, it's not meant to be subtle or deep, moody or intellectual, and hey, you can do a whole lot better (I know you can), so this reviewer, unimpressed as he was, will be fair: 4 of 10. With the hope that the next one gets better than the stop-motion that preceded this one.