A bullet dodging danmaku style game.
Played till level 5.. was kinda easy, but "focus" isn't working, it just slows your ship, not bullets so no using foucs is pointless when you wan't to dodge bullets.
The game needs some polish for the interface with the button only being teal squares with no style. I would also recommend adding a short victory screen between each level as they felt like they blurred together.
Increasing the size of the windows would also be helpful as it would make it feel less crowded and add more room for bullets/ships.
I did like the amount of detail you put into the ships(?), but found they took up quite a bit of the window. On the main ship, perhaps a dot and some information that you hit-box is not the size of the entire ship.
For the enemy ships, try and have each design use a certain attack pattern. When the same ships uses different attack patterns, it can get confusing.
Finally, for audio I would recommend try and vary the song a little between levels and have it match the pace of the game. The gameplay feels too slow for the speed of the music. You should also look into have each bullet sound a different and distinct, but watch out of the sounds blurring together.
Overall, a good first step. I love vertical shooters and bullet hells and I hope you will work on this some more. Go crazy with it and do something unique with it, whether it is with the art, music, or gameplay, give it something that sets it apart from the rest.