You have something here...
i am not sure what but some tweaking might be in order.
I mean, did you even play your own game to see if it was ready?
That seems to be a common theme with games like this is that the creator, of the game doesn't play there own game and thus doesn't know what he/she is sending out.
Music is repetitive, the jumping (as that's all you can do) makes Simon Belmont's look superior.
The platforms are small and very hard to judge there movement.
And there is no feeling of progression.
Lastly the purpose, why is the rabbit jumping through the clouds? To what end is there, if we have no goal other then fidgeting with twitch reflexes in order to "progress", then it leaves a very empty feeling in the overall play.
Timing maybe a must here but most gamers wouldn't want to try, and be as precise as this.
I would skip this, it's frustrating, and as fulfilling as eating water flavored Ramen.