off brand run n' gun cuphead much?
World War 2 shooter
off brand run n' gun cuphead much?
Thought this was going to be a lot better. Just a lazy run n gun.
Not bad brah, had me playin for 20 minutes.
Meh. It isn't necessarily horrible, but it certainly is draining.
Graphics-wise, bland backgrounds with bland models with little to no animation. Not much to keep you focused on the game.
Same for the sound. You'll be lured into a daze by the constant machine gun sound, and the orchestral music loop is exciting at first, but not so much after like, the third loop.
Control was fine, though. No delay in anything I did, and the game is masher friendly, which is easy to do on a mouse. So, kudos to that.
Gameplay, sadly, is the worst part. The gun upgrades don't seem to do much most of the time (I had to collect many before my firing rate by holding the mouse button down improved, damage appeared unchanged), the enemies range from the boring to the bizarre (I still don't know what those bouncing balls are), and, sadly, it gets repetitive very fast.
There's no change to the gameplay, regardless how far you progress. There are ways you could of switched things up, such as having different weapon drops, power-ups, boss enemies, etc. A few simple changes that can radically increase the excitement of a game. I mean, Smash TV would be boring too if it had just the standard machine gun and the occasional collectable while fighting identical enemies with similar HP.
So, sadly, can't recommend this. Better luck on your next project.
meh. Nothing spectacular.
Besides, I'm not into WWII things. I prefer PS3.