Really helpful!
A lot of people on DeviantArt asked me to make a Flash tutorial to explain how I make my tutorials! And a lot of my friends have asked me to just try to explain flash to them... I tried to make a very comprehensive tutorial to help em out :D I hope it helps you too!
Really helpful!
thanks so much you're the reason I learnt how to make flash games.
Oh, so it all goes in the same part. I knew all those things couldn't have been put together as just one part of the Table of Contents. This was pretty informative. I do wish there was music, though. How did this not win any awards?! It's one of the highest rated submissions on this website!
I guess 100 is a minimum amount of votes to be featured on the Top List. I'll probably never become a flash animator myself. It's just easier to review stuff. I truly appreciate you working so hard on helping other people. I don't know how to download these programs.
where do i download?
Thank you! Saving this in favorites!