having the ad problem aside, something simply doesn't fit about the cat's physics. Looks like I'm rolling an unbalanced eliptic ball.
The game's nice; needs some polishing though.
Help Spiky Cat find a new home! His unusual ability is useful to climb the wooden walls.
having the ad problem aside, something simply doesn't fit about the cat's physics. Looks like I'm rolling an unbalanced eliptic ball.
The game's nice; needs some polishing though.
Game glitched out with 4 ads going at once. Then wouldn't leave my browser. FIX and reupload.
Also like ducklauncher I had a ton of ads pop up while playing the game, it was pretty bad, and it killed the game for me. The actual game was pretty interesting though I never found a use for (or even tried using) the slow down time function. The control scheme itself felt awkward, you don't need to re-invent the wheel when setting up your control scheme. WASD and arrow keys with possibly a function button is all you need, it is just more friendly because every other game does it. Also it would be nice not to have to click anything to move to the next level. There doesn't seem to be any real info to be concerned about. If you want to give the player a place to stop a pause option is much better, though time doesn't seem to matter much in this game so I don't know that I would even worry about that.
Again though the killer is the ad spamming. Fix that first because it is really bad.
I played it for about a minute, and then like 20 ad videos came one and it kicked me off the game.
The game otherwise seems cool.
Music is nice , gives a good calm feeling . Gameplay is rather interesting after the first few levels . The concept is nice and gets exciting after the addition of saws . The levels are fairly varied . The graphics seems appropriate to the theme . The physics seems a little odd , maybe try turning up the gravity . Too much mid air control and the cat feels a little difficult to controls . Try taking some inspiration from Super Meat Boy for the controls . Overall , I give a 3.5 ( Only because the controls seems dodgy ) ; otherwise it would have gotten 4 .