Interesting... i just have a question... IS THE LOLLIPOP A DRUG OR WHAT?
'cause that isn't normal.
Kirby finds himself dreaming in DreamLand... but it's all just a dream. Or is it? I think its semi-safe to say that this is my first REAL animation. I experimented with many things during the making of this.
Interesting... i just have a question... IS THE LOLLIPOP A DRUG OR WHAT?
'cause that isn't normal.
You poorly traced some Kirby sprites and then got too lazy to do the rest. That made the art style conflict horribly. It was also just a mess of images being thrown around, literally. There was no point in watching this at all. It got even more dull towards the end as it became clear you didn't have a big choice of iamges to use, so I saw the same ones over and over. It was synced up to the music which is about the only good thing I can find. The music though, what you did to it just made it sound pretty horrible. This was unenjoyable in every way.
i think i saw something like this in youtube before. is this based off that? although i think the other one was about an acid trip.
Not sure, I can't recall any that iv seen
Oh man... Kirby got sick.. o_o
^^ I suppose he did. OR maybe that's how he thinks/dreams after getting the Invincibility Lollipop. :P
i did enjoy it however i couldnt help but feel like it was missing something like perhaps an aperence from king dedede just one small touch can make a huge difference
Yeah I see what you mean. thanks :P