YAY Airship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's the sixth episode of Yoki's Story, a sprite movie mixing 2D Flash animation and raytraced 3D animation. I got rid of the Instagram-ish effects too. Some scenes are in 720p but the framerate has dropped to 30 fps because of a bandwidth issue.
I hate to hide things to you so I'm telling this now, there's a scene after the credits.
Hope you enjoy it.
YAY Airship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Gets out phone, and takes photos of everything* This is awesome, this is an awesome story! Too bad I don't know how it begins on account that the first part doesn't work.
I WILL COPY WHAT SWORDOFSEALS said to make our points. You're making incredible strides!
The 3D effect is rarely seen in a flash movie, and yet you pull it off so well. The camera movement is sleek and smooth, well focused and thought put into. It reminds me heavily of Final Fantasy 7. There are some parts where the sprites didn't match the lighting or the angle too well, creating a weird look or feel of motion, particularly noted in Yoki's dad when he walked towards the camera down the stairs at 11:15. It was an unnatural manner of walking down stairs. There were also some parts where the sprites looked flat, breaking the illusion of 3D, as though the models were paper cut-outs, for example at 8:03. Fortunately, this was largely averted.
The voice acting was a surprise, though delightful. It's not perfect, some parts were mumbled, or rushed, and others didn't have enough emotion or force behind the lines. That's not to say it lacked any of it, far from that, it was just a tad dull in some parts. What it did do was be crisp and audible and each voice rang quite well with the characters, and none of them sounded similar to another, leading to zero confusion between characters. It might not have even needed subtitles!
The plot is a bit inconsistent. That notebook Yoki found, was it Reswob's journal? If so, it wasn't colored the same as before. The unusual scene at the end of Bowser and Reswob's (?) fight was odd. Whether it's an actual error or an artistic mean to show a gap in Yoki's reading of the journal, I'm uncertain. However, I wouldn't say change anything. This is but part of the whole story, and to critique it on what we see now until the end wouldn't do it justice. Certainly seeing how it will get cleared up!
The music choice was incredible! Sure it's not original, but every piece served its purpose of creating mood and pace. Every scene moved me with the music and helped me to dive into the story. Each note also sounded crisp and clear.
This was an amazing piece of work, well worth my time to see and I desperately await the next part of this series! For any who read reviews before watching, go watch this film! I can't wait to see what player-exe will create next, as all I'm seeing is his works growing grander and grander! Told you. Told you I would copy it. We all love your animation skills. IF ANYONE, AND ANYONE is a hater and tries to offend you, I will defend you, and tell them to try and beat your best animating skills. HATERS, FUCK OFF. PISS OFF HATERS, PLEASE. GOSH.
The music in the scene where the cheif walks into the quarters Yoki was staying in was so sad,since being I've beated Super Paper Mario and it was so sad for me it almost made me break down!But that doesn't affect my opinion.Great story,great affects,great everything.5/5 for you.
You're making incredible strides!
The 3D effect is rarely seen in a flash movie, and yet you pull it off so well. The camera movement is sleek and smooth, well focused and thought put into. It reminds me heavily of Final Fantasy 7. There are some parts where the sprites didn't match the lighting or the angle too well, creating a weird look or feel of motion, particularly noted in Yoki's dad when he walked towards the camera down the stairs at 11:15. It was an unnatural manner of walking down stairs. There were also some parts where the sprites looked flat, breaking the illusion of 3D, as though the models were paper cut-outs, for example at 8:03. Fortunately, this was largely averted.
The voice acting was a surprise, though delightful. It's not perfect, some parts were mumbled, or rushed, and others didn't have enough emotion or force behind the lines. That's not to say it lacked any of it, far from that, it was just a tad dull in some parts. What it did do was be crisp and audible and each voice rang quite well with the characters, and none of them sounded similar to another, leading to zero confusion between characters. It might not have even needed subtitles!
The plot is a bit inconsistent. That notebook Yoki found, was it Reswob's journal? If so, it wasn't colored the same as before. The unusual scene at the end of Bowser and Reswob's (?) fight was odd. Whether it's an actual error or an artistic mean to show a gap in Yoki's reading of the journal, I'm uncertain. However, I wouldn't say change anything. This is but part of the whole story, and to critique it on what we see now until the end wouldn't do it justice. Certainly seeing how it will get cleared up!
The music choice was incredible! Sure it's not original, but every piece served its purpose of creating mood and pace. Every scene moved me with the music and helped me to dive into the story. Each note also sounded crisp and clear.
This was an amazing piece of work, well worth my time to see and I desperately await the next part of this series! For any who read reviews before watching, go watch this film! I can't wait to see what player-exe will create next, as all I'm seeing is his works growing grander and grander!
Thanks for your review.
This is Reswob's journal, I changed the design because it didn't look right for him to have a colored notebook at first.
Also the gap you see at the end of the fight scene was intentional, I wanted to show a scene that was as accurate as we could see in the writings of a crazy character. I decided to cut at an important moment like if he forgot to note it or he just couldn't write something with a basic structure.