Battle cute girls and zombies in this cult thriller... Snazzy Tennis!
I mean, it's just a simple little tennis game. But it's so much fun! Sure, the graphics are minimal, but I BET YOU CAN'T BEAT IT, CAN YOU? MWAHAHAA!
Also, if you have a friend, colleague, or friendly sex worker nearby, make sure to try 2 player mode - it's snazzy!
I was so born in the wrong decade.
pretty good but agree with isaacmiranda
I don't understand
The music was alright. Graphics were okay, but the game itself was more frustrating than fun. Two player was decent enough but very frustrating still. needs some tweaking.
Strangely addictive. I wasn't expecting much when I first saw how the gameplay worked.
I still think it could work better if there was more "tactical" gameplay though, as well as perhaps, things to buy, with points from your wins. The "extras".