Oops look out son don't eat those chips they still could have bombs on them! This was freaking halirious! Keep making more funny animations!
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Oops look out son don't eat those chips they still could have bombs on them! This was freaking halirious! Keep making more funny animations!
Thank you, I believe we will keep making funny animations.
Hilarious. The last one was the funniest overall.
Sometimes, we save the best for last. Thanks for watching!
Please make more of this :D
We will. Just for you. Only... For you.
Talking ice cream and a more talented Kardashian? You my friend, have one sick mind.
There are quite a few sick minds here, ha
How that ice cream dude keeps complimenting the girl while his eyeball is being scooped out, that's just... creepy. Though there are plenty of bizarre ideas in this. The animation combined with those crazy ideas, is just awesome. :D Makes me think of the VSauce series. Awesome work!