why can't grab the element? is this a glitch?
Going forward from where we left off in Deadly Venom 3, our silent assassin is now exploring deeper into the Dynasty infrastructure to discover more of their evil plans. New stealth attacks, new weapons and new costumes to wear.
Mouse : Move, Attack, Interact
Spacebar : Cancel attack (Holster)
G : on/off thermal goggles
why can't grab the element? is this a glitch?
This, this reminds me of the time that were, back when we could make good game, why don't we do this anymore?
have sum cheats
1101101010000111 ALL SUITS
0011001111100001 INVICIBLE
1000000001110011 RUN FASTER
0101100110110100 AUTO-HACKING
1100001001100111 AUTO KILL GUARDS
Idk if there will be a part 5... We'll need to settle for this. It's good though.