Put ma hand on ma cock...
Official music video for the song "Lazy" by Snak The Ripper.
For some reason, colors in the video are distorted. If the video lags, try reloading the page and wait for the whole movie to load.
For best quality video, check the YouTube link below.
Watch the Full HD video here - http://youtu.be/BA0MendpUCE
YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/HelloRWA
Snak: http://www.snaktheripper.com/
Put ma hand on ma cock...
that guy is not lazy because he moved around...when you are really lazy then you do not get out of your bed, even if a meteor would land on you in three minutes!
you got some ridiculous rhymes, a good beat, and the color distortion is cool. bravo sir.
video wasn't bad at all, I liked the song a lot though, the animation fit the lyrics and feel of the song pretty well too overall pretty damn good
LOL! This was pretty good, :)