(Crazy Cabbie)^2 !
This game is so much fun. All of the things I hate about crazy cabbie have vanished (Terrible Sound, Cars speed based on yours, Horrible collision detection when jumping, awkward and rigid controls, etc)! And even beyond that the graphics (especially the grass however weird it is to say) have got a major overhaul. I especially love how you can get multiple speed boosts and go like 300mph although I always crash when I'm going that fast. I like the variety in cars as well, it seems a lot more immersive that way.
Overall the game design is roughly the same, but everything about it (at least to me) seems 5x better than crazy cabbie. I'm so glad this was created. If games like this were to never exist, I doubt the game industry would have anything good at this point. It's not the most innovative game in the world, but holy **** does it improve on the original! 5/5 for sure.