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Ninja Referee

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Play as a ninja referee and use your slicing skills to slice different kinds of sports balls, like basket balls, soccer balls and disco balls! Use your mouse to click and drag across the screen. Slice balloons for special powers, lifes and multipliers. Try to avoid the bombs.

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You need to be able to hold down the mouse button and drag it around (with a visual indicator showing where the sword blade actually is). Other than that, though, this has the potential to be a great game. The different kinds of balls you get to slice are cool (and the small ones are really challenging), and I particularly liked the "unusual" items to be sliced, like the canister containing three tennis balls, or the disco ball.

needs either a indicator to show were your slice is going to hit as your dragging and lining up the slice or the slicing mechanic needs to be redone like fruit ninjas (holding the mouse button down and dragging instantly make a slice line) but i like the s\art style and music, so im giving it a 3.

Could be a decent fruit ninja clone on a touch screen, but with a mouse.. Its just frustrating. Good try though.

almost like fruit ninja for computer, but the slicing needs a bit of tweaking

A good game that has some potential, however I find it's maybe a little too similar to Fruit Ninja which is a little hard to just redress in a new concept. the art work is well done and the game wasn't too difficult to play and music fits well in the game. Again my only quirk is the similarities between the two games causing perhaps some problems with.... i don't know.... conflict of interest maybe. Either way not bad work, I'm thinking that there could have been maybe something either more or different that could have taken away from Fruit ninja.

Credits & Info

2.55 / 5.00

Jan 16, 2013
6:23 PM EST