that was really nice though the animation wasn't that good but since i'm a big fun of DBZ and since i really liked it you have 4 stars ;)
i'll be waiting for part 2 ...
This animation was abandoned several years ago cause of a problem with the fla. ... but I managed to recover it and I decided to finally finish it hehehe
NOx and Flash are fighting with the FDP Special Forces waging struggles parallel between the warriors ... =)
Esta foi abandonada alguns anos devido a problemas com o arquivo... mas consegui recuperar uma parte e resolvi finalmente hehehe
e Flash se deparam com as Especiais FDP onde travam lutas paralelas entre os guerreiros... =)
that was really nice though the animation wasn't that good but since i'm a big fun of DBZ and since i really liked it you have 4 stars ;)
i'll be waiting for part 2 ...
i love how you use the original dbz soundtrack. and those were some fun fight scenes. although i think there should have been more funny stuff, but that's just my opinion. overall it was a great fight scene. not that i'm calling it incomplete but that wasn't exactly a feature length movie.