good work love it
As I said this is an unfinished Flash, started 2 years ago, its purpose was to find out who and what N really is. There is no way this can be finished at the moment, so enjoy what little there is.
good work love it
I know it's a little late for a reply, but thanks.
woah haha nice animation and voice acting haha i laughed at the part where N and the protagonist becmae like Death Note XD ahahah
great animation and loved the death note reference. keep up the good work.
as stated in the prevouse coment the background does clash wih the characters but the animation was good and better than i can do so 5/5 for ya chap
Thanks for the feedback, I'll keep it in mind.
That was a nice animation and I'm glad you finished what you started two years ago. The character art style was great; however, my only complaint lies on the backgrounds. The detailed characters clashed with the ripped (taken from the show I believe? If not, then completely disregard this suggestion) backgrounds. Other than that, great job! I hope to see the sequel soon.
I haven't finished the comment below states, the movie ends in a 'teasing point', I didn't do that on purpose though, but as I said, I haven't completely quit on this, as long as I have some spare time in the future, the voice actors, and motivation I can continue where I left off.