Much better animation than my sorry attempts! I'm a big resident evil fan and I think you did a good job recreating the characters in the series.
30 seconds of your life you won't get back
Leon gets saved by chris with a first aid spray. The world of Resident Evil never made sense anyway.
Much better animation than my sorry attempts! I'm a big resident evil fan and I think you did a good job recreating the characters in the series.
Bad animation style. It is obvios it wasnt taken time on and also you could of used a frikin player or something. There are a bunch of free ones on newgrounds them selves
Sort of funny, sort of not.
Alright, I don't think this is really referring to a game in general... unless it's resident evil 6, in which case I have not seen any gameplay nor trailers of that game (meaning that I stand corrected otherwise). Animation could use a bit of work, about the only thing I feel like working at. However, I must admit, Chris is a bit of a.... you know.... *cough* eherm... What? You don't know why?! By using that First Aid Spray on Leon he dropped him from an S Rank to an A Rank.
I like this more than your mario flash.
The stem cells line was perfect.
The voice acting, sound and animation was decent.
Add a replay button.