Smash Bros Afterhours is comedy series featuring the cast from Super Mario Guy RPG (LordoftheJimmy, Will Knavison, Brandon Boyd, LunarArtemis, and Miniscactus.). The series focuses on Mario, Link, Samus Aran and Solid Snake relaxing after their fights before going off on crazy adventures.
Animated by Captaindrbobnewgroun.
Note: This Animation was re-uploaded onto the creator's account sorry for any inconveniences.
Interesting concept. Considering this is being arranged from the same people from Mario's Castle Collab series, I could imagine this series would be quite entertaining.
So when is episode 1 on the way? Or was this just some test animation?
I liked it, I don't know why the rating is so low, the only thing I deducted points were was the Captions. they could have been a little more stylish. other than that it was awesome I hope you make more.
Thanks for the comment man and the constructive critisism. I think we wanted to keep the trailer fairly simple, but rest assured, the actual show will have a stylized logo.
I really like this animations!
see nothing expect potential for a great series
like how video game characters are discussing other genres of games