This would be better suited under the puzzle games category and for hint it would be better if it just showed the next move you could take and then deduct points from your score for it rather than showing you the whole way.
One of the bird is separate from their nest, can you guide it home by jumping from one leaf to the next. Click on the leaf you want to move to, click on the leaf that is close to the bird. You have exactly one minute to do it, if you need help on how to play. Click on the hint button located on the right next to all the birds. Have fun, make it homes safe.
This would be better suited under the puzzle games category and for hint it would be better if it just showed the next move you could take and then deduct points from your score for it rather than showing you the whole way.
It's a little too easy when you basically give the solution away, you should either have a difficulty setting or a challenge mode without the solution.