"Rather then clog up the comments with my thank you's, just wanted to say one big thank you to everyone who likes the game and left a positive review. Cheers!"
It seems as though the author of game appears to only appreciate positive reviews. I think thanks should also go out to people who use criticism in a constructive manner. Face facts, the only way you will become a better game designer is to accept criticism, deflate your ego and consider changes. I don't think people want an "easy" game where there are no challenges, but as many have stated, this game certainly can use changes. I have seen suggestions as upgrades, giving a bit more survival chances when the players has no weapon, more consistency when enemy movement and weapon strength. All of these are valid ideas. Overall the concept is good, but the execution and playability leave much to be desired. It lacks sustainability on the playing field and in turn this will affect interest level. As of now, the game design's critical points overshadow the good intentions.