I liked it! I thought it was so much fun and very challenging.
Avoid running out of voltage!
Combos generate higher scores...
Connect as much pieces to the generators as possible, and keep the lines alive, as the screen keeps on scrolling.
You lose, if there is no more electricity left, but don't hit "New Game" in inpatience: There always can appear a new generator...
Select easy mode for slower scrolling.
I liked it! I thought it was so much fun and very challenging.
Hey thanks, nice to hear that!
This game was pretty good game, but I agree with RaeGiselle. It went by kinda fast.
Found it went a little fast, and at first didn't know what to do....but all in all a fun game. Good job!
Maybe I should implement difficulty settings and different High Scores for those... thanks!
It looks like alot of fun but its extremly hard in the begining. Is there any way to make it so that straighter pieces are more available the first 30 seconds of the game? Other then that is was alot of fun but i didn't really understand the point of the game completly and it seems like if you mess up the game just keeps going
I will think about that, but on the other hand, at the very beginning there is no scrolling, and time to think... More important, there is time to create a huge combo for the high score chasers, which would be destroyed by preferring straight pieces...
Making the Game Over detection faster is a good idea though. Until that is done, you can hope for a new generator to appear in that little extra time. :D