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Perkyman -The Lovestory

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Author Comments

I have moved on since my last project and I wanted to make an animation starting from a soundfile, so I can practice lip-syncing. I also wanted to add some movement and facial expressions to my animations.
The story might be super random and unfunny, but I hope you aprecciate my work anyway.

I got criticised a lot for my humor, but don't be hasty. I haven't done my best ideas yet because I'm saving them for when I'm a better animator ;)

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is that a real life expirience? (pet f*ck*ng the crap off of that shoe?

My God! That is something.
Is that normal that my dick is gettig hard?

I never thought I'd see a Pokemon parody end like this. Ever. Wow lol.

My only complaint is the voice work could have been a little more exciting, but the joke was funny, despite being random as all shit, maaan

Don't listen to those losers. The comedic part is the anguish he feels when he see's his shoe getting fucked. lol. I honestly don't know why people are hating because your animation was also on point.

ehe hehe so the shoe trick works again...

Credits & Info

3.40 / 5.00

Nov 1, 2012
5:31 PM EDT