This flash, I feel, is very lacking in multiple areas. Firstly the animation, while very smooth looking, was very minimalistic only really animating a few things at a time with an extreme lack of color that annoyed me. More vibrant colors would give the flash a very unique sense of style instead of the primary black and white colors used prominently throughout the flash.
Secondly, the audio seems very one-shot inserting bits of nonsense in at random intervals. This made the story the animation tried to convey fairly confusing because of no real sense of flow throughout the narrative. Things seem to happen "just because" and that is never a good sign in writing.
Overall, this flash seems like it was done very quick. Everything about it practically screams, "I was done in five minutes!". With more attention given to the flash, this stigma could potentially disappear and thus raise the score. However, right now, that is not the case.