The embodiment of perfection.
well, in this EPIC installment of the series, we see the brave insulin pump, battling asoptimus prime, or as insulinus prime, saving the world.
for diabeetus!
-plz review
The embodiment of perfection.
wow, i missed that review!
thanks for your kind words sherclock, it means alot coming from you!
you rock, mate!1
If you want to know the numbers check SherClockHolmes account. As for me I'm going to think of this as 34 1/2. And uhh I'll try to be positive this is a lot better then you previous flash. You actually are getting better and you actually tried to animate stuff. Before you couldn't get color in the movie. wow some of these reviews are really great. Why is Newgrounds so classy when I'm not around?
WOW, thanks, man!
i really wanted to do a good job here, and i sure tried.
did you like the moment when insulin turned to insulinus prime?
or the dialogue? i think the dialogue was fun.
also yes, the reviews are great, and i appreciate them, all!
maybe theya re classy because i talk about a classy friend (you).
thanks alot, again, man!
tiss is a pess of trass
Wow. We have sticks and insulin pumps talking to each other.
Oh well, it was inevitable.
A random sherclock appears...I am as surprised as you...probably moreso. Almost certainly moreso.
are you as pleased as i am to see you...? ...or moreso?
thanks man, your comment/review means alot!5