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Author Comments

Please note that this game is still in alpha, so its very incomplete. But I wanted to share it.
Spectrum and ColorSpark are our O.C's BTW. And ColorSparks part is incomplete. SO yeah here is ball! Have fun!
(Edit:) We have an update! no new levels yet, but we added some more text crap in it lol.

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If your alpha is bad, it doesn't belong in the portal. It belongs in the dumping grounds.

It's not terribly fun or original, but it's not horrible. I give it a 2/5... By the way you should really add a preloader.

Nearly rage quit a few times, but I love it and I can't wait for more levels.

I played until I got to the self-depreciating level where you said you suck at programming. I was kinda like "well, if that's the way you feel then fuck it!"

out of 10...
gfx - 4 (bland, basic shapes without any effects)
sfx - N/A (I have no soundcard)
design - 6 (not bad, just too frustrating)
gameplay - 2 (relies on twitch-mechanics instead of logic or even physics)

overall, this game has some shining points. Maintaining a monologue with the player is one of them. However, due things like a TERRIBLE FRAMERATE and A TERRIBLE FRAMERATE and a TERRIBLE FRAMERATE.....this game will probably not do so hot and go largely unnoticed.

SilverSnakeCake responds:

Ok look. Me and my friend literally JUST started programming like, 5 days ago... and this is our very first game EVER. But, we will make more updates with epic stuff added. The music is just an 8-bit soundtrack made by my friend. The laggy framerate MIGHT be your flash player or computer, because me and my friend have no problem with the framerate when we play. Anyway, thanks for rating and if you keep looking for updates, this might have awesome features and more levels added.

This has potential to be fun as a completed product. As is I can't justify something incomplete hitting the portal. Good luck and work hard. :)

Credits & Info

1.57 / 5.00

Oct 19, 2012
2:47 PM EDT