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Savior of the World

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The virus is killing our economy now! You are requested to rescue the city from the virus. Play as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger or Hillary Rodham Clinton to save our country.

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Good art and animations. Controls were a bit hard to get used to but I'm sure it's meant to add to the challenge.

(Made a video using this game, Savior of the WHITEHOUSE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz9zoRLCPzM)

This is exactly like pac man

Hmm... Its Not That Epic i Give it a half a star


The game is really not all-that-epic. In fact, this isn't even a great pacman clone. It's very slow, and the angle is confusing when oriented to the keyboard. Would have liked to see more than a reskinned, slowed-down pacman presented at a weird angle.

out of 10...
gfx -6.5 (clever...sort of)
sfx - N/A (I have no soundcard)
design - 4 (bland, awkward execution)
gameplay 2.5 (sluggish, uninspired, bad controls)

overall, this seems like an idea that flourished before the game was made, and then creativity went out the window as you realized how hard it is cloning Pac-Man. The real problem I have is that the game could be alright, if you fixed that wonky-ass angle and sped up keyboard-reaction time. Otherwise, as it is, it's not a lot of fun...but still a solid effort.

A very shitty pac-man clone. It's only ruined by the controls really. I won't comment on the retarded character choices you have. (seeing as your probably an Obama voter, that's trying to get everyone to vote him. seeing as you have him and his best buddy and supporter Bill Clinton. why through in Arnold if this is game with a seemingly political message to it? message being that Obama will save the world)

And why use mario sound effects. I mean really? That makes the game even more stupid.

(I'm not a Romney supporter, if that's what your thinking. I'm an Independent. Couldn't care less about either.)

Credits & Info

2.51 / 5.00

Oct 17, 2012
6:23 PM EDT