This was cute but a tiny bit excessive in certain points. I loved your wild, sensible imaginations here. Your use of anime facial expressions, art styles and such are really well displayed here. Audio was on the very soft side, I couldn't barely hear what was going on. Not only that but I noticed from time to time that the lip synching can be a hair off once in awhile. But in all in good terms it was adorable to say the least, you and your friends just having a good rounded time and just having fun. I'm going to bestow you a 1 in a half out of 5. And a 2/5 in voting power. Hopefully minor improvements can be made, I really liked this short. Its simple yet when you tear away the designs and all the layered themes within it. In the very end its a fun little short about having friends and a good time. I hope you've enjoyed this review friends. Good day.