Wut why? xD CUZ I @M YOUR DOGG
This is my last non-serious flash so don't be so hard on it, all I wanted to do was get one more video out quick before the series I'm working on.
But this is based off a joke I thought of...
Wut why? xD CUZ I @M YOUR DOGG
That was both random and silly! I loved the goofy humor you put out here. Your animation is bland and simple yet it was your comedic subject that I observed more than anything else honestly! Audio was a bit soft, I had to literally put my ear to the computer just to listen to it. But again I payed attention more towards your comedy than anything else. You've done a good job here friend. I'm going to bestow you a 2 in a half out of 5. And a 3/5 in voting power. Keep practicing, creating and contributing on here. I hope you've enjoyed this review. Good day.
UGHHH I know about the audio i'm soweeeeee >.< But the video was made in about a week so yea I understand! haha thanks