This needs music, better graphics, and more content.
updates will flow shortly and the animations will be updated Left arrow & Right arrow click buttons in battle mode to attack.
This needs music, better graphics, and more content.
in rated 5 stars be a good game and have 2,5 stars
Graphics- -1-JH!
SE:- +0 -Cuz no sound.
Playability: +1 -Shit!
Umm I dont get it? Its viturly unplayable with out instructions.
Not great. I like the title more than anything. Enemy needs to be easier, visual effects for attacks need to be improved, needs sounds, blahblahblahblah
out of 10...
gfx - 2 (no backgrounds, stick figures)
sfx - 0 (no sounds?!)
design - 3 (no effort, enemy too hard to kill)
overall, this is probably a waste of peoples time and they will be angry and give you very low scores and hyper-critical reviews. I understand your point, but this is isn't even a demo. It's like 20 minutes inside Flash. Give us a week of progress, at least.