On the help screen (technically the tutorial), it's easy to see which of the icons is a good thing and which is a bad thing. In the classic mode, with the fast rate of the objects falling, it takes a bit longer to recognize who's who. I found the Arcade game to be more forgiving, since it merely detracted a point from your score when a baddie slipped through.
There is a difference in color palette between the two object groups, though personally I'd prefer a bit more contrast, since there are two green "things", but they're not in the same category of game objects. The shapes also have some repetition across the boundary that separates the goods from the bads (the clouds), so that also muddies the visual sorting-out a bit. I'm curious as to why a sun symbol would be in the "bad" camp, since sunshine is usually associated with good (at least as far as I'm aware). The little angry and happy faces do differentiate the two, but they're not a reliable method when the objects are moving very quickly. The falling garbage is easy enough to identify, though they are not (nor what appear to be power-ups) mentioned in the help section.
I'm not sure the percentage of damage to the baddies really worked in the game's favor. If the juggling was on screen (rather than disappearing out of screen) and allowed tracking the flight path of the object, it might be more manageable. As is, the objects occasionally accelerate to a much faster rate when struck by the cursor-fist, and while that does add to the challenge, it sometimes goes beyond the speed-range of challenging to impractical when playing a casual arcade game. The cursor-fist also becomes intangible when still, necessitating a constant need to move, even when directly under something that is supposed to be hit. That feature might be more of a hindrance to game play than a challenge that adds to the game.