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Author Comments

I made this way back in 2008 and I thought of fixing up the bad audio (due to bad audio that didn't fit in with this, i'm talking about a Slipknot song...) and a few bits and bobs of the animation. And excuse the unsmooth lines and crap..

Its old, past its heydays of Super Smash Bros Brawl but oh well.

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It was good but you could of put just a little more effort like adding the game sound effect and the death sound effect im pretty sure you could just google it and it will come final verdict 3.5 stars.


The graphics were bad, the sounds were a bit choppy, and some of the special effects were, to be quite frank, terrible. This movie has some potential, but I don't think that this totally realizes it. The concept was good, but you could have done better on it, such as having Snake actually land some hits to make it more dramatic, or to have some sort of... something. I'm not sure exactly what I'm talking about, as I'm no movie maker myself, but I know you can bring some good out of this! I'd love to see it if you did. :)

SnowyBangers responds:

or just recreate the whole thing and scrap the original version. i belive i had more potential after placing in decent audio and keep the animation in its original since it wasn't an issue 4 years ago

Credits & Info

4.54 / 5.00

Oct 4, 2012
1:02 AM EDT