too short no wasd control but it was somewhat fun
Game for LD24 compo.
Made under 48 hours, uploaded with minor changes.
Move: arrow keys
#small update
Passed levels are now being removed properly and
yellow platforms now moving two times faster.
too short no wasd control but it was somewhat fun
its o k i guess
makes a platformer and neglects to map the wsad controls.
It's a decent platformer, but I'm not really seeing how the evolution theme plays into it. I don't really like how the game doesn't actually have much of an ending either. You just put "The End" over a corridor leading to a bottomless pit that your character can go into over & over without the game ever actually finishing.
Nice game, it seems like those who participated in the LD24 compo. seem to have very nice ideas. I think you should expand on this idea, and like vampire95 said, have the levels be left behind and start another. After a while I was moving at 1 frame a second.