Tedious, it's hard to keep an eye on the road and on that boost meter. It becomes a bashing button game really quickly.
Welcome to the world of Horse skating! Meet the coolest horses in the world: Chubby, Gorgeous and Flippo. Select one of them and start an adventure of a lifetime. The Tutorial will teach you how to rule the game and give you some extra tips how to get to the victory as easier as possible
Tedious, it's hard to keep an eye on the road and on that boost meter. It becomes a bashing button game really quickly.
Not bad. Fun for a little while but I can't believe there is only one course to do! Add more in the sequel, please.
What is the point to this game? At first glance it's just another upgrade game, and I can even look past the horse...lady...thing...but the upgrades serve no real purpose. You upgrade to make the game harder and earn the same reward, why? And dear god that music.