Pretty sick animation. Why they has no headz?
- - Looking for a Sound Tech person who can edit and add sound/music files for this short when it is done.
-- im the one who is going to animate everything and small details like in this preview.
-- later it will be given to a Adobe after effects hobbiest to add some really really good effects in it.
now i only need some good sound technician (not pro ofcorse) who like to help and make this short possible and bring their expertice in action.
Pretty sick animation. Why they has no headz?
hahaha i always do the heads at the end.. don't know why, i feel like its faster, cause i animate really really really fast.. in 1 minute i can make add like 30 - 40 frames... so when im doing the heads it drops down a lot and i feel like the flow is out of the anime..
so thats the main reason :) thanks for your comment!! :D
It was nice for a short obviusly it isnt a complete producton but leaving out the lack of any sounds it was a good animation. One other comment that I had on it was that it seemed almost to fast in some parts that i couldn't follow it, it may be that due to its brevity (briefness) I didn't have enough time to adjust to its speed or i could be just slow but it may want to be something you might want to look into as you work on your animations more. All in All i thought that its a well put together animation and i wish you luck on finding that sound guy and putting more quality submissions in.
thank you verry much.. and yes your right they were even faster and i delayed them by adding couple of more frams.. but i have a huge imagination.. even when playing it in my head pops the next moves to do and sometimes without noticing it im doing these weird sounds with my mouth like im adding the sound to it.. haha it sounds weird i know! :P
Anyways i think your right with the briefness, and i hope it wil get a bit clearer when the sound is added.. now it is only a video, so i think ill take your advice and already going to add a bit more frames in the fight.
I started doing this when i was 14 im 24 now, haha i stoped for allmost 8 years doing this, and i fellt like i dropped something really cool when i see my others mate back in the day's still doing maddness and just to see how AMAZINGLY good they have become.. i feel really stupid i stopped.. :(
Hope i can catchs up with them!!
Amazing! I'm quite impressed. This short sample should help pave the way on what you can deliver on this site. You have a unique eye in making something fluid, Others might not see the real meaning behind this but I do. You have an amazing potential. I potential that will help gain you some deserving well earned recognition. I'm going to give you a 4/5 and a 4/5 in voting power. You've deserved this score and review, You really do. I hope you keep contributing more animation on here this site needs more people like you, Just as I proudly take the mantle of an honest judge (too many so called "reviewers" that have no class or an eye for talent, Though I judge fairly and honestly too). hope you've enjoyed this review. Good day.
thank you mate :) i hope i get back again with this, it is my first animation added in 8 years :) !!
im going to add backgrounds later, and heads ofcourse haha xD
thanks for the comment!