I don't think you should swear in the title of a work using the "everyone" rating.
Nie należy przeklinaÄt, jeÅ>li praca jest dla każdego.
Hi all! It's my first animation. Im from poland and voice in polish but I translated this animation! Here is my link to YT. please like and If You wanna subscribe :D
http://www.youtube.com/us er/wsiunkers1
I don't think you should swear in the title of a work using the "everyone" rating.
Nie należy przeklinaÄt, jeÅ>li praca jest dla każdego.
Was a okay flash, but needs some work on it..
Needs better animation and posible that the launguage needs to be in english
2/5 scored and 2/5 reviewed
Not bad for a first try. The Mouth movement and voice acting was ok, so were the character models. Obviously, the joke wasn't exactly funny, but nonetheless, it was a good first. Keep on practicing and I think you'll go somewhere with this.
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