background music kinda fire'
A big project that toke me a week to finish it, and now its here.
See who die at the end.
Enjoy it.
background music kinda fire'
that funny & really good for a parody if only if was in the show.
PS I'm only the fan of South Park of Season 1-3.
That's why I love you...
really good
Thanks WillieD.
oh wow a whole week?
I really hope you are not american.
okay buddy here we go...
1-generic southpark joke are not funny to anyone but ....ummm....
2-if a character dosent speak in an accent [which you have] you at least make an effort to go on the forums , or wherever to find someone with the right voice
3- although it was watchable ill give it a 1.5 due to the fact that ive seen this episode of south park before , even though it dosent exist
originality bro
what the hell >:(