Its mildly funny. Something very weird took place to get a Daily 1, but hey, best of luck to the Soup Squad always.
At least it hasn't got that god-awful voice you use I can't hear!
This is crazy, happy clock day 2012, hello.
How did this get Daily First I will never know, it was never my intention for this to happen.
Its mildly funny. Something very weird took place to get a Daily 1, but hey, best of luck to the Soup Squad always.
At least it hasn't got that god-awful voice you use I can't hear!
Here's my number.
Call me, maybe?
lol i though this was very funny! i very much enjoyed this.. my last coment was deleted cause i had the word "g@y" in it cause, welll wasint the carrot guy gheeey?
No, I think carrot is straight
Woah, good job on getting the daily first!!!
I'm sure lots of effort and time have been put into this animation.
I'm not being sarcastic btw.
really great!!! can you make a one with baby from Beiber and when he sings baby the baby in the backround pukes blood and dies with beiber
I don't think I could even stand to listen to that song.