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Tanks 2

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Author Comments

arrow keys to move
shoot- space bar

tip: the fire is slow. Hit the silver towers

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The game wasnt one of the best game's i've played it was very laggy at the beginning and the fire ball move's like a turtle im sorry but im giving u a 1 out of 5 just for the effort

Epicman34 responds:

the game is slow

This game is simply broken,unfinished,and just wasn't thought out.
It lags like crazy to begin with,
You just jump right into the game without any help on what to do,
I would like to get more detailed,but I cant..

This hardly qualifies as a finished game. While the (simple) gameplay mechanics are solid, there is no goal other than 'hit the silver towers', and no finality granted when you do that. Nay, the game will just continue, leaving you with no choice but to restart, and say you beat the game. The game dumps you in with no title screen, and no instructions other than what you see in the author comments.

the controls are very very loose, not sure what needs to be shot, what to collect, and what the story is. the tank slides so easily and if you drift off the top of the screen, the game does reset. also, if you die, everything resets. game needs a story and in game instructions. before you respond with "then dont fucking play it" please think that people leaving feedback are trying to help you see where the game can improve.

First of all, there is no intro, no tutorial, no help menu or pause button...

The tank moves slowly and its primary weapon fires slowly and has fair range at best. The range of the towers' defense units is approx. double that of your tank. At first, your only resort is simply hit-and-run tactics. Thankfully, your tank can fire multiple rounds pretty quickly.

The physics seem loose in the sense that your tank and other objects will drift after movement, being hit, or bumping into something.

*I noticed a graphical glitch where the tanks bullets will go under the red circles left by the big buildings/towers.

There appears to be power-ups and collectibles, but I have no idea what they do...

All in all, there is fairly decent game play mechanics here, but it's obviously unfinished or joke-ishly short and lacking by design.

Epicman34 responds:

then dont fucking play it

Credits & Info

1.99 / 5.00

Aug 2, 2012
2:37 AM EDT