This belongs on the alpha page, not the portal.
I ve always wanted to make a stick animations so heres my first. I will make more better and longer with a story i just need to improve so rate comment and infrence on
This belongs on the alpha page, not the portal.
well sorry maybe next time
Not bad stick animation. Its really cheesy and dull. Too short for a proper chance. I'd say try again and try harder. Get someone weapons and affects in there.
thanxs for the helping stuff
Not bad but with sticks you would want to focus more on animation and bodily movements to compensate for the simplicity plus it was short
thanks for the feed back make sure to work on it, yep sir im not stoned right now mom shut up jeezzis Christ
Totally not bad! Some more easing here and there, and your on your way bro!
Thanks dude i dont have a tablet yet to get the smoothness but i ll work my way up
How about posting your tests on the NG Alphas page and save the good stuff for the portal? That way you get the feedback you want in the right places.
umm thanks i guess for rating no stars still