A very clean and accurate historical portrayal
Ukinojoe is one of my favorite flash artists so I thought I would honor his work by creating a spoof of one of my favorite cartoons, "Blonic". If you haven't seen it, take some time to go watch it.
This is a first time project for me so please excuse if the animation isn't on par with everyone else. Also the audio is bad cause I recorded it with a potato My microphone jack is not working. I'm getting a USB microphone today though.
A very clean and accurate historical portrayal
Other than the issues already mentioned in the author comments, the other main issues were the animations and some of the graphics. Some of the background images, particularly the clouds on first two screens, look a little jagged along the edges, as if there are zoomed in bitmaps, while everything else is vector. However, if you look at the clouds from the remaining screens, they look like smooth vectors.
Some occasional blinking of the eyes would have added a little extra polish, although ? did move his eyes when trying to come up with a name. Speaking of which, ?'s mumbling, as he's is mindlessly trying to copy Wario, but failed to come up with a name, was very funny! (:
- Ziro out.
Sawmteeng eeza rawnguuuuuhhhhhh
its very good but try harder on the audio