every frame in this is like a painting
Higher res version on youtube.
Check it out Yo, made a music video for my man Will "RedLineRx"
have a peep.
Also if you like the song, Its available on NG
also go to Redline's page for links to the full album.
A Big Shout out to Vince at VincaniTV on youtube,
I watched his how to videos in order to do the dance sequence.
He's definitely the guy to go to if you want to your breakdance moves in order.
anyyways Im glad to get this finished, I wished I had more time to flesh out the animation in some parts, but it works.
I decided I didnt want to make a fully tweened animation, and that might hurt me in the end when it came to time.. .. So attacked the most important scenes first, which might have ended up with it being alittle inconsistent.. sorry about that..
I'll tell ya this, if I ever see another green lightning bolt in my lifetime, it'll be too soon.
every frame in this is like a painting
Nice rap) reminds me of Eminem
This is the best video I have ever seen.
dude this is.. the best video of all times i watched it 89 times no joke :D