Nice game, pretty fun to play with a friend, I just wish it had items so it can be as chaotic as normal bomberman
Bomberman clone with Schroeder fighting the conservative candidate Stoiber based on an actual event, a television duell.
Note that it's in German but I think English speaking guys will understand it anyway.
Controls (1 player mode):
arrow keys - move
0/numpad - place bomb
Tip: It's important to kick the bombs.
Nice game, pretty fun to play with a friend, I just wish it had items so it can be as chaotic as normal bomberman
Screw this!
The title of this review says it all....
Sorry, but this is scheiße! I don't know how to set a bomb. Do you think that the whole world can speak German. I learn German at school, but still i can't read it, too bad.
i agree with the reveiw before mine!
this does suck and its the exact same as bomberman but even lamer.(and thats hard)
you suck.
this is the first thing i have rated zero on EVERYTHING. you deserve nothing! you just ripped off from bomberman and used some stupid german or whatever nationality they are fucks! you need to go back to the drawing board. or better yet, never torment us with such annoying wastes of time EVER AGAIN!