Considering it was made in 30 minutes, the fact that the art and writing sucks is to be expected. Anyway, the sad thing about this is how accurate it actually is. Not bad at all.
Just in case some of you missed out a bunch of wiggers stole artwork straight from our site and sold it as their own bullshit , i took creative liberties to make my own flash about them, goddamn what a bunch of losers they are. and hateyou1 defended them on the forums, so he's just as bad. dumbasses. i amde this crap in about 30 minutes including the part where I had to use the restroom in the middle of making it
i'm perfectly fine with any complaints and shit, in terms of art and writing i think it's far below average, Ijust think it's funny as shit and hopefully we can stop those bastards! is their site
Considering it was made in 30 minutes, the fact that the art and writing sucks is to be expected. Anyway, the sad thing about this is how accurate it actually is. Not bad at all.
Yeah ive had problems with certain people on this site to, so i feel for you, i thought it was good, Full points from my hunn!
I fived it before it loaded.
And it was no mistake!
It actually wasn't terrible (I've seen worse). But I did follow the link you posted and couldn't see anything that I could identify as blatantly stolen. Have they taken that stuff down already?