O.o Okaaaaaay..... This is one of the strangest, and shortest things that I have ever seen here on NG. The only thing that there is to get here is the random comedy. In my opinion, 2 stars is generous for this piece.
This is top-class entertainment.
Enjoy this 22-seconds videogame parody flick.
Damn it, I can't even showcase the new preloader properly.
Sources for this skit:
Famicom Golf Japan Course
Convoy no Nazo
All Sprites ripped/edited by me. One close-up picture taken from Google.
O.o Okaaaaaay..... This is one of the strangest, and shortest things that I have ever seen here on NG. The only thing that there is to get here is the random comedy. In my opinion, 2 stars is generous for this piece.
wait what? WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?! (don't worry Pkmn2, im not angry at you ^_^)
o____O .yzzid tsuj mI (the word just says: Im just dizzy. O____o)
Mario golf. Tank things. Intresting.
Love it, Pkmn2 this is the best short ever! I love it!
Thanks for the praise.
loved the reference! :)
Cool. Someone get it.