god why do i keep watching this. can you tell me what the audio is from?
the Lyrics are totally saying Burgers, Avril and pokemart i swear-- *SHOT*
we're opening for members soon e w e
thisflashdoesntreallyrela tetothegroupjustcharacter slmao;;;;
Skip (that afro dingo; ) belongs to myself
Rein the blue haired guy belongs to my bro =DoppioMacchiato
just a quick animation;; ishouldbedoingmuchmorepro ductivethingsrightnowrofl ;;;
damn this song is addictive lol;;
god why do i keep watching this. can you tell me what the audio is from?
wat the...
I didn't even realize it was looping at first, and it is a bit catchy, it's going to be a big hit and miss thing I would gather. Pre-loaders help, as I'm writing this I had to go up and right click to turn off play. With your animation style I would gather you could make some pretty funny shorts. The idea behind this boggles me a bit, how...why...in what fasion...I mean...pokemart + Avril + Burgers= song.
Nooooooooooo, this is making my brain explode
Technically a movie, but auto-loops, serves very little purpose as no one will get the joke but other members of the group, it seems.
Not to mention the audio is actually in a terrible quality that sounds like it's destroying my headset.