When are you going to continue this shit? I been stoked on this shit for years. REMAKE THE SERIES ALREADY. You'll thank yourself after making front page ;)
Here is the second part to sam man No 3 green eggs and ham the movie. flex musle.
When are you going to continue this shit? I been stoked on this shit for years. REMAKE THE SERIES ALREADY. You'll thank yourself after making front page ;)
That was awesome. hope there will be another installment
You should be pleased to know that Im remaking this series
(sam man revambed).
As well as a new series with these chatactes (SAM v2.0)
agrees with that one guy about the sound
the animation was a lil better but the sound got worst and you need to work on mouths why not just have no mouths at all for you that would be an up hill movement though i did like it when carl went on about the aliens...but did carl go retarded after all those times being hit in the head in the last movie??? i mean he was way smarter in the second one but overall i liked it....though the first sam movie kicks all the other ones ass's(goku is really like that i swear!)
your naborhood crazy person!,
~the ArchAngel of ying and yang
~a demon stuck in an angels body
~but hey most ppl call ma Amy ya know?
good.....but! your sound sucked so bad....
pretty good movie the Green eggs and ham crap was awsome funny as all yeah.... just your sound sucked so bad..it was low at first then LOud!
please enjoy your movie nice job do you sell monkeys? that kill hobos who try to sleep on your roof but they fall off and then they start humping your pie when you put it beside the window to cool down besuse if you do id like 5
like the score ill give for this movie now about those monkeys
^ ^