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Le Hibou et La Scrabee

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Author Comments

Titled in English; The Owl and the Beetle is a quick presentation of pure tween animation.

A project for my french class.

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Liked it, but needed English sub titles for some of the more ignorant members of this website.

Moi même étant français, j'ai trouvé cette histoire bien faite, avec une bonne morale, mais il y a tout de même certaines erreurs :
Le mot scarabée est MASCULIN, donc "une scarabée" est une erreur ; de même pour "petite insecte"
Le "a-t-émergé" est aussi, en soi, une erreur car le "-t-" ne se place que après un verbe de parole, par exemple "crie-t-il" est correct.

Ce sera tout, bonne continuation !

Being french by myself, I found this story quite well made, a good moral and everything BUT there is still some mistakes :
The french "une scarabée" is one of your mistakes, "un scarabée" is correct though ... The same for "petites insectes"
The "a-t-émergé" is, by itself, a mistake too because the "-t-" is only placed after a "speak" verb (I'm sorry for my bad english ...! ^^).

That's all.

FightForSushi responds:

I can't begin to say how grateful I am for your feedback!
Thank you for taking the time for such a detailed review, it was very helpful, and I'm extremely flattered that you enjoyed it.

Credits & Info

3.50 / 5.00

May 17, 2012
2:59 PM EDT