Dat trollface
***Press space to advance dialogue***
If it isn't obvious, the portraits are the buttons in the main menu.
At last, the next installment of SMB: The Mushroom Hero is complete. This one is slightly longer than the previous ones (about 17 minutes) and has quite a bit of action. Instead of one or two large fights, this episode consists of many smaller conflicts and some plot advancement as well. I also slightly changed the name of the Lord Shade's army from the Shadow Shrowds to the Shadow Shrouds. It's still pronounced the same way; the only difference is that "shrouds" is actually a word.
Overall, I probably spent more time actually working on this episode than any that came before it, so hopefully you'll enjoy it. The next episode will delve into Mace's character and officially commence the Shadow Shroud's attack on the Mushroom Kingdom. Look forward to it!
Dat trollface
i loved this episode! your fights are perfect now. I just want to keep WATCHING MORE. RANDOM but i loved your new menu choice.
What's the song when Wario breaks free from Cackletta's mind?
i agree with snowball its been like 4 months!?
other then that i love the series good job
better then all the other sprites actually