For the final episode in the series that was really disappointing. I expected you to go out with a bang and try and to remedy some of the problems which have been present from the very start, but apart from one in a shot or two all of the problems were still present.
I still think this could do with a replay button at the end. As ever the pillars look out of place in the intro due to being the only part of the image with any depth and an apostrophe was missing from the title.
The first thing I noticed here was that the script seems out of order. Shouldn't this have been the follow up to episode 11? The health inspector passed out in that one, so why was there an episode in between? You did have the ambulance crew apologise for taking their time, but it still seems a little odd, especially as no reference was made to the health inspector in the previous episode. Everything felt very dragged out as ever as well and the plot didn't really seem to be going anywhere. I'm not sure if it really did either. It was essentially a long conversation between Sean and Joe. Even the credits at the very end were long. They were so long I was expecting you to cut back to a short scene involving the missing keys, but disappointingly there was nothing. I thought that you could have cut a few of the shots with the lights going out. There just seemed to be far too many of them. The one with the burger seemed to reference an earlier episode. It was a shame there weren't more references to older episodes during the lights out shots. Most of the ones you did have were just shots inside the pet store with no real reference to anything from the series. You could have cut most of these and thrown in another two or three with references. I feel that this could have given the lights out shots more meaning.
I was pleased to see that you included a couple of shots from an angle instead of straight on. They looked so much better than all the others as there was finally some depth to the imagery. However, I was disappointed that you didn't use more of these. They were only there for two shots, which didn't take up much of the movie at all. Most of it was the standard flat shots that I've became used to from watching this series.
As ever more animation was essential. Everything felt very still. The characters should be moving more than just their mouths while they're talking to each other. The animals should be moving a little more in the background as well. I noticed during the scene with the flies hovering that they suddenly stopped moving but you could still hear them buzzing. Also, I noticed that the water level didn't drop in the crab tank as it was gushing out of the hole. The shot looking out into the car park at the end looked off as well. The diagonal lines made it look like the car park was on a very strange slope.